The Federation of Fairfield and Colneis

PE & Sports Premium

Primary School’s Sports Funding

What is the PE and Sports Premium?

The Government has provided additional funding to support the provision of quality primary PE and school sport from September 2013. The funding was initially for 2 years but has been extended to the current academic year.

Each school receives a lump sum plus an additional £10 per pupil. For Fairfield this equates to approximately £17000 and for Colneis approximately £19000, for the academic year 2023-24.

Provision in school

The Department for Education’s vision for the Primary PE and Sport Premium is for:

“All pupils leaving primary school (to be) physically literate and with the knowledgeskills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthyactive lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.”

At Fairfield and Colneis we share this vision and strive to use the funding to create a long lasting sporting legacy that will continue long after the Primary PE and Sport Premium and follow the children into adulthood. We promote the health and well-being of every child, offering opportunities to engage in an active lifestyle. As a federation, we aim to establish a self-sustaining improvement in the quality of our PE and sport provision.

Our intention is that this funding is used to further enhance the provision in school.

It will be used to ensure that:

  • all children benefit regardless of sporting ability.
  • all children have the opportunity to compete in competitions at some level.
  • the most able KS2 children are given the opportunity to participate in high level competitions.
  • staff have access to training opportunities and continued professional development.
  • the new funding will increase the range of sports available to children.

Reporting Outcomes

Updates on outcomes relating to our provision for PE and sport are provided throughout the school year through the school newsletters and our website.

The impact of the funding will also be reported annually to parents and governors via the school website and termly governor’s meetings.

For further information on how the money has been allocated and the outcomes for the year 2023-24 please click on the linked documents below.