The Federation of Fairfield and Colneis


Your child’s early education is the beginning of a lifetime of learning so at Fairfield Nursery we aim to help children achieve their best possible start.

We provide a vast range of play experiences and activities to facilitate opportunities for children to practise and learn a multitude of skills and to really instil a love of learning from a young age.

The children enjoy a healthy snack as part of their day; the children choose what snack they prefer and have the opportunity to help prepare their snack safely.  In the Nursery garden we grow some of our own fruit and vegetables as part of the snack choice.  The children also enjoy cooking and baking, particularly tasting the results of their hard work.

Exploring the outside area provides a range of potential experiences including classifying, creating, transforming, enquiring, experimenting and testing.  The stimulus of experiencing and exploring helps imagination and emotional, personal and social skills as well as physical development and offers a context to learn interesting new vocabulary and skills.

The mud kitchen helps young children engage in an incredible variety of skills, such as measuring, filling, pouring, emptying, mixing, mark making, sharing, serving, foraging and weighing.

Outdoor learning activities help develop confidence and self esteem.  The hands on experiences encourage the children to be resilient, confident and independent learners.

Applications for nursery places should be made directly to the school.

Only paper application and PAF forms will be accepted.

Key dates for application for September 2023 are:

  • Friday February 24th – All applications to be returned to the school office.
  • Friday March 31st – Offer letters will be sent out.
  • Friday April 28th – Signed acceptance reply slips must be received by the school office.

Please note that any applications made after February 24th will not be looked at until May 5th.

Please note – whilst there is no uniform for Nursery, optional polo shirts and fleeces are available from our uniform provider for the main school

Please be aware that from September 2024 the new fee structure for Nursery will be as follows:

1. Morning Session (8:40 am to 11:40 am): £14.00
2. Lunch Session (11:40 am to 12:20 pm): £3.00
3. Afternoon Session (12:20pm to 3:20 pm): £14.00