The Federation of Fairfield and Colneis

Friends of Fairfield and Colneis

After many successful years as separate committees, Friends of Fairfield and Friends of Colneis committees have now formally joined together to make a ‘Friends of Fairfield and Colneis’. This will give us all many more possibilities of working together in the same way that our schools do, in particular to increase the ways in which we can fundraise.

With COVID interruptions, the last few years have proved incredibly difficult for any significant fund raising activities to take place.  We have very much missed events such as Christmas and Summer fayres, the school discos and Easter events to name a few. 

As a Federation of schools, we have also very much missed the funds that the Friends of committees have traditionally provided us with. In the past, large projects such as the funding of interactive whiteboards in the classrooms have only taken place due to the hard work of the committees and the generosity of parents. School budgets are very tight and this additional funding has traditionally allowed us to offer opportunities above and beyond what we would normally be able to do for our children.

With the national COVID situation easing, the new combined committee has lots of exciting plans in the pipeline for fundraising opportunities and are keen to proceed with them as soon as they can.

It would be great if we could increase the number of parents who are able to provide support to the committee (or join the committee itself!) Please contact Stacy Styles directly at if you are interested in finding out how you can help.